An Exhausted Philophobe With A Life That Revolves Around Photography and Could Have Been's...

04 Oct

A Complicated Soul.

Published by Ishoyor  - Categories:  #Thoughts, #Reflection, #Life, #Pain

Set me loose, Let me free.
Set me loose, Let me free.

"Because I listened to what the authors wrote but barely heard what my teachers said and so, I found life, not as they said but as it really existed; an awetastrophic road trip".

Hi, Ufana Ishoyor here.

I fell in love and then fell out of love, an unending loop and this was my reality, however good things got, there was always going to be that huge chunk of me that says I am only but a beast, a beautiful monster.

A circle of praise, "Your works are good... Your words are inspiring... You're a good person Ufana... Temi, you're the best... I love you Tiger... Ishoyor, I'm proud of you". So much good said still, I feel the darkness growing, maybe it's because I've pretended for so long that my pretense has turned reality and now, I create aliases to ease the burden that is my life... or so I tell myself.

Deep down, its a swirl-wind, so much confusion and so I fall again into my abyss of isolation, fake smiling and being witty to avoid the concern that I obviously need and now, I wonder to me; if I step off this building will I, like the birds soar freely or does my doom await me at rock bottom.

#Ufana-#Thoughts-#Shots, these all are one person yet they all are different people, different souls inhabiting one body or maybe its one soul, so cracked, its disrupting the flow of whatever essence makes a person whole.

Another night dreamless, deep and dark but then... deep is peaceful and dark is lovely. So in that temporary death statis, my soul is whole.


Comment on this post
We all have our flaws and we live with them or without them.<br /> Make your choice or better stay in between,that way,they won't get to you.
They always do Temi, they always do.

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An Exhausted Philophobe With A Life That Revolves Around Photography and Could Have Been's...