An Exhausted Philophobe With A Life That Revolves Around Photography and Could Have Been's...

29 Aug

Live Inside the Moment.

Published by Ishoyor  - Categories:  #Life, #Death, #Reflection, #Thoughts, #Personal Thoughts

Live Inside the Moment.

Growing up, we were taught to consider every moment, thinking what would happen next with clearful implicated sentences like "one wrong move could cost you your life" and "don't think about today only, what of tomorrow" but the bible that we were brought up to believe is a guide to rightful daily living, teaches that worrying about future dates isn't right cause our heavenly father who cares for the birds would not forsake those made in his image. Most times, even after we consider our actions and think them over twice and thrice, we still lose our lives cause death is a constant, same way life is.

Hey, it's me... Ufana Ishoyor.

We have a body, soul and spirit and constantly trying to vector our actions in hopes that we can postpone the longitivity of our body is of earthly orientation and the scripture stated we should live not as those who live of the world but live as our father in heaven has stated.

Whatever has a beginning has an end and while it was stated that the only constant is change, it is hiddenly clear that the only constant that exist is opposites and the transition between such opposites is what is known as change. So clearly, no matter how carefully we carefully we live, we are still going to die.

So why 'overly' consider something before doing it? Why constantly worry over implications of an action, thinking of after implications and consequences? "We live so we can die" and after, what comes is unknown, probably judgement, probably reincarnation into another life form, probably a transition to another dimension of reality... all we know for now are probablies "for all has not yet been revealed".

So live, live good, live right, live in accordance to your beliefs and what you deem right... religiously, ethically, consciously but still respecting others and their own belief system, just live in the now and not worry about the future.

Tomorrow is only a concept, it doesn't exist. All that is real is in the present, all that is is in the moment, we all have no other assured time but now, so live... Live Life.


Live Inside the Moment.
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An Exhausted Philophobe With A Life That Revolves Around Photography and Could Have Been's...