An Exhausted Philophobe With A Life That Revolves Around Photography and Could Have Been's...

23 Aug

Retro Sapiens.

Published by Ishoyor  - Categories:  #Reflection, #Life, #Thoughts, #Personal Thoughts, #Darkness, #Death

Retro Sapiens.

Trying to be the voice of reason in a world that's drowned in a pool illicit normalities and condemned acts is futile and useless, so I watched as teenage adults submerge themselves deeper in this sea of stupidity. I'll see them rise again; matured or most probably bump fists on the other side.

Hi, I'm Ufana Ishoyor and the earth is doomed. I'd say the world but that'd be unfair since the world is a composit of 7 other known sun revolving entities but for the self proclaimed higher specie inhabiting planet; we're doomed.

First, we had simple diseases like the common cold, small pox etc. now advancement in technology and increment in radioactivity has blessed us with a long list of cancers. Ebola, AIDS and HIV, have been introduced. My mind needs answers to pertinent questions like; Is this a work of evolution or is it experimentations gone wrong?

The earth is all we have and even more importantly, we only have one life. Reincarnation is a beautiful concept but what's the point of reincarnating if you can't remember any detail of your past lives? You get to start from point A, make mistakes, get educated, learn to love, get heartbroken and then die. All of these are simple pointers to the one life reality that we live in and right now, future leaders have dunked that singular existence in a cup of booze and are puffing away destinies in blunt wraps... For a specie so smart, we're so dumb.

I everyday compare the past to the present and use the present to vector-access the future and the only thing bad about back then was the unavailability of computing devices. Back the was okay, so very okay but now... we all live in the now.

I guess homo sapiens need to evolve because now, I believe our brains have gone cold so we barely notice that good isn't good enough. At the pace, the future isn't a future worth looking out to.


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An Exhausted Philophobe With A Life That Revolves Around Photography and Could Have Been's...