An Exhausted Philophobe With A Life That Revolves Around Photography and Could Have Been's...

03 Jul

The Truth is...

Published by Ishoyor  - Categories:  #Life, #Thoughts, #Love, #Personal Thoughts, #Reflection, #Pack

They say you don't know what you got until you lose it but for someone who's got a lot and lost said 'lot', trust me when I say; "I know what I've got".


 Hi, my name is Ufana Ishoyor and if you're reading this, then know I have a problem. It's more of a public addiction than a hidden 'devilish' ish, one I don't hide, one that could be the death of me, the death of 'us'. See, the thing is; I flirt ALOT.


Call me Sir Flirtalot or Flirtatron, it doesn't matter, but this is an open problem created in the abyss of a once timid and conserved 16 year olds mind, who didn't know how to approach ladies hence would create various scenarios in his head of would be situations from start to fini.

I find it oddly satisfying being in this chase, a race I know I'd never finish because if I do, I'd be hurting her and in iteration; myself so I drag on... pushing to the limit, working my imagination, creating till I can create lines no more and then... doing it all over simply because I want to... simply because I can.


And when it's supposedly over and she's hopeful... I then realize what I've done, I've run a race and it's time to either cross the line or.... That's not a topic for discussion, that's a line I'm not crossing, I love her too much... but 200 minutes later...; Hi, did you miss me?


This isn't exactly a confession and in all honesty, I don't know what this is but I do know as much as I 'love' being cocky, I love her more so maybe I'd stop... or so I told myself too many times to remember or just maybe I'd let this 16 year old have a taste of what could have been if he'd only had guts.


Oh well, I do know what I have and I'm trying not to lose her but just for the fun of it... Hi, my name is Ishoyor and I'm a flirtaddict, can I get to know you?  #winks





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I'm stuck!<br /> Not leaving<br /> Wspecially
... Thanks.

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An Exhausted Philophobe With A Life That Revolves Around Photography and Could Have Been's...