An Exhausted Philophobe With A Life That Revolves Around Photography and Could Have Been's...

15 Sep

Aly Speaks; The Human Constant.

Published by Seph Jae  - Categories:  #Pain, #Love, #Life

Aly Speaks; The Human Constant.

Passion, Pain, Pleasure.
Pleasure, Passion, Pain.
Pain, Pleasure, Passion.

Depending on which comes first, this mixture could have a cruel ending or a happy one. We probably would want pain first then have the rest come in whatever order but life is known for her 'bitch-in-your-face' attitude and we are left, almost always bridge jumping after our encounter with these life spices.

We almost always get pain as our reward in many encounters and it chips away our heart bit after bit till it's left with the crumbs necessary to stay sane and pump blood. Sometimes, it takes a little piece and leaves us mildly blistered and bruised and other-times, it takes such an enormous piece, smiles and leaves us bleeding an ocean.

Just when you think the pain has left you, it would constantly jab at you in the form of memories of the passion and pleasure that went afore, and the beautiful curse is; these lovely memories are the pain immortalised.

You get your life back as much as you can, probably even finding some sort of inner peace but then, the pain never really goes away, all it does is give you momentary spaces to find solitude before rearing it's phantom into reality. All the pain does is send you down a road paved with mental torment, if you’re lucky, the road is just a side street and if not; it’s a friggin highway.

However, when dear life decides to grant our wish and give us pleasure, it is quite beautiful. After the dark cloud of pain passes, the passion wind blows and pleasure rains set in. The rain washes our soul and helps our wounds heal, the flood washes the pain and makes it easier to bear, making it less of a heavy entity, in simple words; we find happiness and considerable peace.

But we need to be realistic; there would always be pain, irrespective of it's place in this cubic table, for it is a constant in our human equation. It is a brutal but efficient teacher. All you can do is accept it and work with it. Enjoy the moments when it recedes into the background but when it comes back into the fore… feel it, embrace your pain and bleed till it hurts no more.

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An Exhausted Philophobe With A Life That Revolves Around Photography and Could Have Been's...