An Exhausted Philophobe With A Life That Revolves Around Photography and Could Have Been's...

21 Sep

Aly Speaks; My Bane.

Published by Seph Jae  - Categories:  #Series, #Pain, #Life, #Love

Aly Speaks; My Bane.

We don’t even know what we are doing half the time, just a bunch of frightened children stuck in adult bodies bumbling our way through life, struggling to put a little shine in our very dark existence.

It's 8.27 pm and here I am, depressed as fuck. My whole body feels like it was pummelled by a boxer wannabe. Basically I am drowning in a steamy pool, brewed off physical and mental pain. I am not even contemplating the meaning of life or some other pretentious 'smart' sounding concept, I am just damn tired.

Usually, I'd pose as this 'sarcastic but optimistic' ball of sunshine knowing it can get better cause I’ve seen it get better but does it have to be so damn difficult? I know constant sunshine makes a desert but why does the rain have to pour so heavy that it threatens to obliterate everything one has built? It's days like this I become like Hazel Grace, I want to shut everyone out so as to minimize the casualties when my bomb goes off.

I have the most amazing man in my life; he is everything and more with a freaking bow on top and he loves me. He loves the beast that hides behind the pretty selfies and creepy adult jokes but what if that beast wounds him fatally and he never stops bleeding, what if....

I guess 'Angels are Demons' after all.

Rebellious and Smart, 'Seph Jae' is just as talented as she is sarcastic. Critique of most my #Thoughts, She is a talented writer who channels emtions via phrases.

Rebellious and Smart, 'Seph Jae' is just as talented as she is sarcastic. Critique of most my #Thoughts, She is a talented writer who channels emtions via phrases.

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An Exhausted Philophobe With A Life That Revolves Around Photography and Could Have Been's...