An Exhausted Philophobe With A Life That Revolves Around Photography and Could Have Been's...

26 Jul

The Beauty Sequence; U.J.U.

Published by Ishoyor  - Categories:  #Series, #Beauty, #Family, #Life, #Love, #Thoughts

The Beauty Sequence; U.J.U.

Family sequence issue 2, today's subject of analysis; Ute James Ufana. The father that created a gang, my main guy, popcy of life, my father, the incredibly beautiful Ute.

My dad is the best and I don't mean the best like "I have to say he's the best for saying sake" kind of best... No, Mr. Ufana is the friggin absolute best. I wouldn't be here in the first place if he hadn't prayed to God and done some bio practicals, so thanks pops, I owe you one.

As leader of the Ufana gang, you taught us to believe in what's right and stand by it no matter the consequences. With you, it's always been "eeny mini miny stop, no guess work, just do the work" and life's been non stop fun and adventurous.

You've always believed in us and taught us to believe in ourselves. Whenever we are in need, you're our superman, swooping down in glorious splendour to rescue our arses then three years later, rub it in our face and get a good laugh.

Your mind is my emergency Google, always available with answers while still open to input and suggestions and your soul is seemingly heaven's base; You're kind, generous, smart, intelligent, sassy, affectionate and so annoying... probably a little cute too.

My fellow geek mate, you enkindled in me my tech interest and 14 years later, I'm still uncoupling 'wrist watches' to find out what makes them tick.

You're the best dad there is and could ever be and in my next life, I'd still embed my soul in your nut sack so I can disturb your life.

To the coolest dad ever, I pray God blesses you, keeps you and graciously bestow upon you, all of your heart desires. Also, may He grant you long life because I'm not planning on hiring any babysitter, your house and arms are where those kids will lay when I decide to go on parenting hiatus.

U.J.U, You're most #Beautiful.
I love You.


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An Exhausted Philophobe With A Life That Revolves Around Photography and Could Have Been's...