An Exhausted Philophobe With A Life That Revolves Around Photography and Could Have Been's...

17 Jul

The Beauty Sequence; D.E.B.T.

Published by Ishoyor  - Categories:  #Series, #Love, #Family, #Friends, #Beauty, #Thoughts

The Beauty Sequence; D.E.B.T.

After 7 months of total indecisiveness, she decided to take the biggest decision of her teenage life and now, she's emerged even more beautiful. She's a glow getter, the beautiful Edgar.

Life's funny and twisted. If someone said I'd be writing about her, I'd punch them in the throat but with 'love' because I don't get why the most annoying persons get to impact us the most.

So Yes, she's beautiful and I mean BEAUTIFUL. An embodiment of God's unfailing love and grace, a living container of ever brewing trouble yet, still a caring friend, noble advisor and counsellor, a brilliant muse and unwilling 'rich' crushing lover.

We all have our flaws and have made mistakes but how we handle us after this mishaps is all that matters and dfines the people be eventually become and she has stood gracefully and handled life as it came, unbent by peer pressure and the social stratification of life, she proves there's hope for the future woman. In a world where objectivity seems the mother that births sin, she stayed partially objective with a filtered mind and distinct lifestyle, she's sieved her thoughts maybe a little too much for her own good but it's for her own good so it can never be too much.

With her puff-puff cheeks and Asa afro, she's flawlessly with his grace handled all life has thrown down her path.

So, here's to a beautiful lady, who's realized she's flawed like the rest of humanity but daily with the lord's grace has worked to conquer life's shortcomings, more grace my friend, God's grace'

D.E.B.T, You're #Beautiful.


Comment on this post
It's wow
Thanks Miss Selong. #Grateful.
It's wow
D.E.B.T. My sweet sis
Nice piece
D.E.B.T. My sweet sis
#D.E.B.T you are beautiful! I concur
Sure... Thanks M. Chibanks. #Grateful

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An Exhausted Philophobe With A Life That Revolves Around Photography and Could Have Been's...